Written by: A badass biker chick.
Have you ever wondered why some guys always seem to gravitate towards women motorcyclists when selecting their next special someone? Is there some aspect of dating a biker woman that you just happen to be missing?
The answer is yes, in fact try 10 of them.
1. No Heavy Luggage for You to Handle – as you can imagine, we always travel light. In fact we have had to condense to the main necessities long before you ever came along. I mean after all how would we ever get to ride if we had to some how balance 4 overstuffed suitcases on our bike? We wouldn’t and in our book riding comes first so we have condensed for our own happiness and possibly yours.
2. We are what you might refer to as a “cheap date” – We definitely don’t need any high priced Apple Martinis or 5 star meals that came from countries we haven’t even heard of.
Instead just swing by the closest diner and give us a fat juicy hamburger, a few fries and an ice cold beer and we’ll be happy and cherish you forever.
3. We Love a Wild Ride – Have you gotten used to nagging and complaints when you want to get a little wild and dare devilish on your bike? say goodbye to those type of complaints, if you want to go barreling down a red clay dirt road mountainside at full speed and in the rain you can count us in.
In fact we just might take the lead.
4. We Love Our Leather
We wear leather everywhere we go and late into the night. So if you want to experience the seduction that leather can provide, you’ll definitely get to when dating a biker woman.
5. We Have Moxie
Biker women are known to not take no for an answer, to follow their determination to the end and to take any chance.
So if you have chosen to date a biker woman you will have a solid girlfriend with moxie, your friends will be jealous for sure.
6. We Can Handle Jealous and Crazy Ex Girlfriends and Wives
Have you had past relationships ruined by crazy exes? You wont have to worry about that with us, exes tend to fear biker women and if they don’t we are more than willing to give them a reason to fear us. And by handle, I mean the way Al Capone would handle it.
7. We Wont Block Your Big Bike Dreams
Have you always had the purse strings pulled back when you’re salivating over that ’65 Panhead? You certainly wont get that from any biker woman, in fact you never know we just might buy it for you so you can show off and tell all the guys that not only did your girl not complain, she went out and got it for you.
8. We’ll Get Off Your Back in Every Way Possible
If you’re used to nagging, you can put that behind you. We don’t let the little things bother us, we’d rather have fun. If you happen to need us physically off your back, that’s easily achieved. You don’t need to ride us around, every biker woman has her own bike and whereas she may love sitting up close to you on your bike she also loves jumping on hers and feeling the power of her bike rumbling through her body.
9. You Wont Have to Worry about Disapproval from Your Mother
Contrary to what many people believe, mothers actually do like biker woman when it comes to their sons. They know that we might get a little wild at times, though they also know that in nature biker woman are strong and no matter what we will always have your back. This means that they can rest assured that they’ll never get a strange phone call from you losing all hope, this is because we already have it handled.
10. Lastly, You Can Make Your Friend Envious
Many men dream of dating a biker woman, and you’ll be the one that can show us off and make your friends jealous.
Your friends will be jealous knowing that your girlfriend likes to have fun, is going to stay off your back, will enjoy going on a ride anytime that you want to.
And let’s face it, we tend to be a little sexier and a little more sensual.
Here are those reasons again, only in true tattoo-ed fashion on the back of a biker chick.
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What about the MotoLadies?
Here are 10 reasons to date a Motolady —> 
Ride safe, and stay Badass!